June Prelim (ledger date = 202006, fiscal year = 2020) ledger data and reports are now available in the Data Warehouse. The Chart of Accounts data (account titles, fund titles, etc.) have also been refreshed.


Distinguishing June Transactions

This is the annual reminder of how the multiple June ledger cycles are handled in the Data Warehouse.

Every ledger transaction posted to the June ledger contains a CLOSING CYCLE code indicating which part of the fiscal year end process the transaction was posted:


   P = prelim transactions

   I = interim transactions

   W = worksheet transactions (posted by BFS only)

   F  final transactions (posted by BFS only)


June FINAL ledger data is estimated to be available on August 5.


Please let us know if you have any questions by sending in a ticket through IT Services.


Thank you,

Darshan Etz

Data Warehouse Engineer

Software Engineering Architecture & LifeCycle (SEAL) / ETS